Saturday, January 3, 2009

January 3, 2008

Saturday morning, and Grace and I are hanging out at the kitchen table. She's eating breakfast, which this morning is peanut butter and jelly toast and bananas. She's already said that after breakfast she's going to play some computer games. She got a couple different computer-type games for Christmas, and she also likes playing games on our laptop. She's gotten pretty good at running a mouse, and it's fun to watch her learn how to play the games.

We're still trying to figure out where to put all of Grace's Christmas presents--Santa and family were very good to her this year. To summarize, she received baby stuff, barbie stuff, polly pockets stuff, princess stuff, games and puzzles, a fancy purple princess dress, and other clothes. The amount of pink and purple around the house continues to grow. Maybe this summer we'll go ahead and paint the house pink to match everything else.

1 comment:

CureSMA4Stella said...

Just checking in to say hi! We miss you guys and wishing you a healthy rest of your winter!
Hugs from Pella,
P.S> Treyton was asking for the doll that goes poop and pee but Travis didn't allow it!