Saturday, August 30, 2008

School and Stuff

Grace is seven days into preschool, and she officially loves it. She was very hesitant the first couple days, and we don't blame her. Her new school is a lot bigger and busier than she's used to. But she's adjusted, and we think she'll thrive. She takes her Dani down the halls, out to recess, and everywhere else in school--so she has more independence now than she ever has. Her teacher is really good about dealing with special needs kids, which is why we picked the preschool that we did.

Also, we've had a Cough Assist machine now for about a month, and that's going well. It's basically a machine that helps strengthen the lungs and chest wall, and we use it with Grace once or twice a day for about 5 minutes at a pop. It's nice to have when they're healthy, but it's really geared for use during times when they're sick. The nice thing is that she's used to it, so if she does get sick and require more and longer use, it won't be anything new.

Friday, August 22, 2008

The First Day

Grace enjoyed her first day of preschool. It was pretty scary bringing her, but she was very brave. The setup of the school is going to be very good for her, and she can get pretty much anywhere in her Dani. The teachers took some time at the start of the day to explain to her class about being careful around her and about her Dani. She made some friends already on the first day, so we're encouraged.

Also, we're working on compliling a list of those who participated in Race 4 Grace this year, either through riding RAGBRAI or donating money. The list will be big, which is awesome. And I hope even more will keep the second-to-last weekend in July open next summer for the 3rd edition of Race 4 Grace.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


We've been having some trouble with the log-in and password for this blog, and that's the reason for the long lay-off in posts. Don't have much time to write this morning, but I did want to mention that today (8/21) is Grace's first day of preschool. Mom and dad are scared, but she's excited. More to come on how it goes, and more also to come on RAGBRAI now that I can blog again.