Saturday, October 25, 2008

October 25, 2008

Grace had Strep Throat this past week and stayed home from preschool for three days. She wasn't actually that sick, but she had a pretty nasty cough. She went back to preschool Thursday and Friday, and she travelled with her mom this weekend.

She's really, really looking forward to Halloween. She's wanted to be a princess since last Halloween, so I'd imagine that's what Michelle has planned for her. Hopefully it'll be nice enough for her to take her Dani trick-or-treating, but we'll see.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

October 12, 2008

Grace continues to do very well in school. I got to pick her up this last week because we had morning practice, and it was great to see her out at recess with all the other kids. While she's obviously limited in terms of using playground equipment, her Dani lets her be pretty much as mobile as the other kids. She's very social, and all the kids would run over and say bye to her when we left. Her teacher told us last week that she was the first kid in the class to know everybody else's name and to call the principal by name.

On a sadder note, she's been asking a lot lately again about when she'll be able to crawl and walk. For some reason she's been trying to crawl at home the past week, and it's hard for us to see her struggling. We always try to stress to her the things she can do, and we also have to remember that she's much better off than many, many SMA kids. We pray that Grace will come to understand and thrive with her condition, but we also pray for the Type I kids who don't get to be as healthy as Grace.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

October 4

Another good week at school for Grace, she managed to stay in green the whole week. We continue to love hearing the stories she tells about school. One thing that school is doing is limiting her polly pocket and barbie time. So this morning (Saturday), she woke up early and wanted to play with her barbies right away. I think she sensed it was the weekend and knew she needed to maximize her weekend time to get as much dolly time as possible.

She had a nagging cough for about a week, but it's gone away the last couple days. She still has a strong cough, which is a great thing for SMA kids. We hope that her daily Cough Assist treatments will help her maintain her strong cough.