Saturday, May 29, 2010

May 29, 2010

School's out for summer. Yesterday was the last day of the school year for both Michelle and Grace, and both will be at new schools next year. Michelle has been transferred to Washington Elementary School, where she will teach 2nd grade. The best thing about the transfer is that Washington is less than a four minute drive from our house, whereas Riverside Elementary where she's been is almost a twenty minute drive from our house.

Grace will go to Kindergarten at Nodland Elementary next year, after being at Leeds Elementary the past two years. Her preschool experience was outstanding, thanks largely to the teachers she had. She will have the same teacher's aide next year, which will be really nice for her.

The summer will be a good one for the girls, starting with our Make-a-Wish trip to Disney World in a week. The Make-a-Wish people came over Thursday night and brought us our "trip packet" with basically everything we need for the trip. It will be a great time, and we'll be sure to write plenty about it when we get back.

Also, Claire had her first crawl this morning. We predict she'll be all over the house by the end of the weekend.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

May 18, 2010

Birthday week. Grace will turn 5 on Thursday. She'll bring treats to school that day, and on Saturday she's having a birthday party with the girls in her preschool class. She's got a few close friends in that class who are all coming, so it'll be a great day for her. We're so thankful for Grace's good health over the past year, and we hope and pray it continues in the coming year. She's a pretty special 5 year old, but maybe we're a little biased.

Grace was featured in a news story on one of the tv stations here in town last night. It was a story on the little league baseball league she's playing in. The league is for kids with physical and mental disabilities, and this is her first year playing. Below is the link to the video, I'm not sure if it'll work on this blog or not. If it doesn't work you can go to and search under sports. It was pretty cool for Grace to be interviewed, and she did well.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

May 1, 2010

Today is the first of May, and Grace is keenly aware that this is her birthday month. Hard for us to believe that she'll be five in a few weeks.

Tomorrow is Grace's first night of Challenger baseball. They have a really good little league program here in Sioux City for kids with disabilities, so tomorrow Grace makes her first foray into competitive sports. I'm guessing she will not be a gamer. She'll be more concerned about how she looks and what her team name is. In fact she wasn't happy the other day when she found out her team name was American Postal, and not the Ballerinas as she'd been hoping for. We're excited for it, though, because it'll be a new and different experience for her.

Grace will have a pretty busy summer. We're also looking at having her take a ballet class. She really wants to, and we've had some contact with some of the studios here in the city about working with someone in a wheelchair. So far we've gotten a good response. Grace told me the other day that she wants to make sure she takes an "arm ballet" class so she can participate, so she's obviously been thinking about how she can participate. She's come to grips with her limitations and is remarkably positive about them.