Saturday, March 27, 2010

March 27, 2010

Right now in the Nelson house we are playing "Princess", which is make-believe play that can take many forms. 90% of the free time in our house is spent playing Princess. Today's version has Michelle as the evil stepmother who has given Princess Grace numerous chores to do around the house. Right now the Princess is dusting the furniture with a rag. Come to think of it, maybe Michelle has a plan behind today's activities. I am the nice stepfather who provides support to Princess Grace. Claire is Dopey Dwarf, either because she's currently wearing purple or because she can't talk.

Grace had Kindergarten roundup this past week, and that went really well. She got to meet all the teachers and the principal at the school, which is called Nodland Elementary. It's a K-2 building that will be perfect for Grace. She was really excited about it and couldn't wait to tell all her preschool classmates about it. Also got 20 right out of 2o on a little reading assessment they had all the kids do. I don't mind saying that she dominated it.

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