Friday, July 10, 2009

July 10, 2009

Friday morning, just eight days away from the start of RAGBRAI and Race 4 Grace 2009. We sent out flyers a couple weeks ago, and we've already received a large number of responses and generous donations to the charity. If you're reading this and somehow didn't get a flyer, check out the home page of the website or email Michelle or me.

The plan for the team this year is to meet up in Council Bluffs/Omaha on Saturday the 18th. We are riding the first two days, which go from Council Bluffs to Red Oak and Red Oak to Greenfield. I'm excited that we have some riders who haven't been on RAGBRAI before, and as always it'll be a great time. We also got hot pink Race 4 Grace shirts this year, so we'll be sure to stand out on the journey.

Grace's summer continues to be busy. We added a second session of physical therapy just for the rest of the summer. We went to a big pool last Sunday that let little kids ride with their parents on their big water slide. Since Grace is an adrenaline junky, she loved it--we went down that slide more times than I can count. Grace also went to Saturday in the Park with us last Saturday. Saturday in the Park is a huge outdoor music festival held every year in Sioux City, and this year the Counting Crows were the headline band. We were very proud of Grace as she navigated her Dani through the 25,000 people without any problems. And she somehow managed to stay awake long enough for the fireworks at 10:30. Probably a new record for her.

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