Monday, April 20, 2009

April 20, 2009

Monday night, and Grace has been in bed for about 45 minutes. Tonight we read the standard two books at bedtime, including one that was about an older sibling adjusting to his new little sister. It was probably wasn't an accident that Michelle checked that one out at the library. We do think that Grace will adjust very well to the baby, although not always being the center of attention will be a challenge for her.

I had sent this in a big email a few days ago, but it bears repeating. Michelle is scheduled to have an amniocentesis on April 28, and we'll find out within 7-10 days after that whether our new baby has SMA. It will be a stressful time, but we're prepared either way. We continue to pray for good news, and we appreciate all of the prayers and thoughts that so many of you have sent. We'll be sure to get word out as soon as we know!

1 comment:

david mcmahon said...

We'll pray for good news too