Sunday, September 7, 2008


We'll be heading to Des Moines the weekend of September 20, which is the date for the Beaverdash. It's an annual 5K race that is the Iowa Chapter of FSMA's largest fundraiser. I think all three of us are going to do it, and we have friends and family joining us. We're really excited to see other families with SMA kids who we've gotten to know over the past year and a half. If you're interested, we put a link to the event on the front of the website.

Grace continues to make us laugh a few times a day with new phrases she picks up. Her new one of the week is "Oh, that's disgusting" --what's most funny is that she doesn't always use her phrases in the right context.

Also, we met with two wheelchair vendors this week to start the process of getting her a power wheelchair. We'll still use her Dani as her primary way of getting around, but right now we're keeping that at school Monday through Friday. So at first the wheelchair will be something we'll have at home during the week.

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