Monday, May 26, 2008

Interesting Weekend

Well, we had an interesting Memorial Day weekend. Grace came down with a wicked case of the stomach flu last Tuesday night, and she threw up everything for a couple days. Finally on Friday we brought her back into the doctor, and they recommended that she be hospitalized to get an IV going to replenish her. So, we spent Friday night and Saturday night in St. Luke's in Sioux City. It was exactly the right thing to do, because she had gotten really weak from not being able to keep any food or liquids down. She was already feeling better by Saturday, but they kept her in Saturday night just to be sure. We came home Sunday, and Grace hasn't looked back since. She's back to her regular diet and regular energy level and ready for some summer action.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Today is Grace's 3rd birthday. Thanks to all who've wished her a happy birthday. She'll celebrate with all her friends at Kathy's house today, and she has her weekly music class tonight. Then tonight her mom and dad will finally get to celebrate with her. We feel so blessed to have Grace in our lives, and we're so appreciative of everybody's thoughts and prayers.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Not much is new with us. We have a meeting next week with various people about our plans for Grace for next school year. As scary as it sounds, we're thinking about sending her to preschool. She'd be able to get some really good services, and we think we've found a great teacher for her. We'll see what happens with all that.

Also, we've recently heard from a couple different families from around the country who've seen the website and contacted us about their experiences in having a child with SMA. I guess this means we should do a better job of updated the site and blog on a somewhat more regular basis.

We are really hoping that some of you will ride a day in RAGBRAI this summer!